Family Support Project “I feel completely supported for the first time in years. Louise has reminded me that I am a person as well as a carer and parent. She has navigated and signposted other services by making referrals and suggestions. The pressure I was feeling has been lifted and for that, I am truly grateful. This service has transformed my life.”– Mum As well as our befriending and mentoring service and group activities we offer Family Support to families of our befriended and mentored children. We introduced this as we recognised that many of the families we work with can sometimes do with some extra support. The project, led by our Co-ordinator Louise Coleman, comes in many forms just like the families we support as what impacts one family may not impact the next. We offer families a non-judgemental listening ear, providing them with the opportunity to be heard and guided towards support and services that can enable them to have their needs met. Louise works alongside parents and carers to identify areas where they would benefit from extra support. These can range from information on local food banks, support during multi-agency meetings or advice and guidance on finance and benefits. Another vital part of the service is our care packages which are provided to identified families experiencing financial hardship during the colder months of October to March. The packages help prevent families from having to take credit and put themselves into further debt during the winter season. Support provided through our Family Support Project Louise works with families to identify well-being needs and agree on goals. Some of the ways she supports families include the following; Calls where families can chat to Louise, our Family Support Co-ordinator, and receive advice and guidance on a range of subjects from self-care and parenting through to finances and benefits Signposting to local mental health support and services Research into support in local communities which can include organisations to refer to or community groups to join Guidance and training to develop life skills e.g. courses on budgeting, cooking Help in applying for additional support for families e.g. school clothing or energy assistance grants Information on local foodbanks Care packages from Befriend a Child for families who are experiencing financial hardship Support from Befriend a Child during multiagency meetings. “I have been a kinship carer for my 12-year-old grandson for nearly 2 years. Within those 2 years, I have come across some challenging situations and on many occasions, I have turned to local authorities for guidance and support, but have felt very let down, leaving me to struggle with my mental health at times. Louise makes me feel like I’m not alone. The service that Befriend a Child provides for adults and children I feel is invaluable, and I will forever be grateful to them.” – Kinship carer Kindly funded by...