Local photographer to launch charity calendar to support Befriend a Child Photographer, Bryan Evans, has launched a calendar to support Befriend a Child, and raise vital funds to support children and young people in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. The calendar is full of stunning photography that feature Scotland’s wildlife, countryside, and architecture. “I wanted to be able to continue to help what I feel is a fantastic cause that does so much good for the community I have called home for over a decade now.” - Bryan Evans The funds raised from the calendar will enable Befriend a Child to continue their befriending programme for local children growing up in difficult life circumstances. Since reopening their waiting lists last year, there has been a steady influx of referrals of children in need of their support. Bryan, a former befriender with the charity, is an example of how a positive role model in a child’s life can make a world of difference. He knows first-hand how important it is to have that important person in your life. “Growing up in a pretty rough area outside of Glasgow I was very fortunate that I had a superb role model in my grandpa, if it wasn't for that I am not sure what I would have gone on to do. He made all the difference in my choices in life, and I wanted to do the same for someone else.” - Bryan Evans Befriend a Child has been a lifeline for the young people they support, especially during a challenging year and a half. They currently have 50 children looking for befrienders and mentors. “Befriending was incredibly rewarding, I felt like I was making a small positive difference to a kid who needed it. I don't have kids of my own, so it certainly gave me a new found respect of the challenges parents with teenagers face, I already considered myself an empathetic person but certainly this made me a better listener and more considered in my advice and responses to questions.” - Bryan Evans “We are incredibly grateful for Bryans hard work and generosity. He has a wonderful eye for photography and it’s amazing that he’s using his gift to help local children.” – Tara Morrison, Fundraising and Marketing Co-ordinator The calendar costs just £15 and 100% of profits will be going to Befriend a Child. For more information and to order your calendar go to https://www.bryanephotography.com/calendar2022