Aberdeen Children’s Charity appeals to public to bring Christmas Cheer to local children living in difficult life circumstances Befriend a Child has launched their annual Giving Tree Appeal, to ensure the children they support, and their siblings, have a magical Christmas with presents to open on Christmas morning and exciting new experiences to look forward to in the coming year. Members of the public can take part in the appeal by picking up a tag from one of the charity’s Giving Tree partners across Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire. The tags will ask the individual to either donate a Christmas gift for a local child or donate money which can go towards an experience. Jean Gordon, Head of Operations at Befriend a Child said: “Christmas can be a difficult time of year for many our children and their families. Our Giving Tree appeal helps to ease the financial pressure on the families we support and ensures that our children have a magical Christmas. Every year we launch the appeal we are overwhelmed with the generosity of the general public and the donations we receive; it means so much to us and the children we support.” As well as providing gifts, the appeal also helps the charity to raise vital funds for its befriending programme, supporting 245 local children each year. The money raised ensures the children and young people have outings to look forward to with their volunteer in the year ahead. Jean continues: “The experiences the children enjoy with their befrienders and mentors have a truly incredible impact on their lives. It gives the children the opportunity to take part in activities that may otherwise not be available to them, helping them grow in confidence and self-esteem, learn new skills and improve their wellbeing as they spend time with a trusted friend and positive adult role model.” Individuals can take part in the Giving Tree Appeal by taking a tag from one of the charity’s Giving Tree partners. The public can also purchase gifts via the charity’s Amazon Wishlist or donate online towards outings and experiences. Full article can be found here, https://www.aberdeenlive.news/news/aberdeen-news/aberdeen-giving-tree-appeal-launched-8894562